Lecții de echitație/ Ședințe individuale
130 lei*/person
- Session time: 20 minutes
- Recommended for: children and adult beginners
- Accommodating walk with an instructor, rope work exercises to develop balance and coordination skills.
230 lei*/person
- Session time: 45 minutes
- Recommended: children over 7 and adult beginners
- Exercises to develop balance and coordination skills, rope working at walk, trap and canter, working at free walk.
250 lei
/person- Session time: 60 minutes
- Recommended: intermediate level riders
- Horse harnessing and training preparation, working at free walk, trap and canter, basics in dressage, working on horseback.
300 lei
/person- Session time: 60 minutes
- Recommended: advanced/exclusive riders
- Working at free walk, trap and canter, advanced elements of dressage, jumping over obstacles, various outdoor rides.
*This price is valid for weekends and public holidays. Prices include VAT.
Plimbare călare
Această plimbare este recomandată copiilor mai mici, având scopul de a se acomoda cu poziția în șa, cu mișcările calului și balansul corpului.
Equestrian themed photo shoots
Equester Club provides you with horses, equipment and the entire location for photo and video shoots dedicated to the special events in your life. Our team offers you the necessary support in communicating with our partners, the horses. We do not provide a professional photographer (the choice of photographer is up to each person).
TIPURI de ședințe foto cu tematică ecvestră: ședințe foto/video comerciale; ședințele foto/video personale, cu tematică de nuntă, familie, aniversare, etc.
Abonamente pentru lecții de echitație
Înainte de a solicita primul abonament, te așteptăm să ne cunoaștem prin intermediul unei prime ședințe de inițiere la coardă.
Întrucât achiziția unui abonament nu permite rambursarea parțială / totală a acestuia, rugăm ca decizia să fie luată doar în cazul în care călărețul își asumă toate cele 10 ședințe incluse în preț.
P.S. De la data achiziționării, abonamentul are valabilitate timp de 3 luni. Pentru utilizarea abonamentului, este necesar ca beneficiarul acestuia să își facă, în prealabil, o programare pentru fiecare ședință în parte.
- 10 initiation riding sessions
- 45 minutes / session
- Level: beginners
avantaje VIP*
2200 lei
/person- 10 horse riding sessions
- 60 minutes / session
- Level: intermediary
avantaje VIP*
2750 lei
/person- 10 horse riding sessions
- 60 minutes / session
- Level: beginner and intermediary + VIP benefits**
2500 lei
/person- 10 horse riding sessions
- 60 minutes / session
- Level: advanced
avantaje VIP*
*This price is valid for weekends and public holidays. Prices include VAT.
**The VIP benefits of the Exclusive Ride membership include:
- horseback riding lessons (for children or adults) in which the instructor works individually with the rider;
- priority in the choice of horse, instructor, date and time of riding lessons;
- phone assistance in selecting the date and time of the riding lessons.

For children up to the age of 6, 20 minutes initiation sessions are recommended, due to their physical and mental ability to resist on horseback. As a rule, young children tire quite quickly and do not have the patience to ride for more than 20 minutes. (for them, we have a special playground at Muf Puf)
The first riding lesson begins with a 5-10 minute horseback ride, where the rider is encouraged to remain completely relaxed to get used to the position in the saddle, the horse's movements and the body's balance. Then a series of guidelines for correcting the riding position and exercises follows to develop confidence and balance.
Then, under the instructor's careful guidance, simple exercises are done to develop balance, confidence and the ability to interact with the horse: hand on hip, side arm, arm rolls, stroking (you bend over and stroke the horse on the chest, or back).
At first, a complete initiation lesson includes, exercises to develop balance and the ability to interact with the horse. Later, from one session to the next, the exercises become more complex, training more and more the ability to coordinate, synchronize and maintain balance: arm rotations from the torso, front-back bends with light stroking and patting of the horse, exercises to develop the instinct to squeeze the knees, balance exercises while kneeling on the saddle, gymnastic exercises with the vaulting girth, etc.
Children are naturally attracted to horses and have an innate instinct to get close to them, to pet them, to get to know them. At the same time, they can sometimes feel intimidated and fearful of horses because of their imposing height and posture. To overcome this initial fear, it is important to give them time to adapt, showing them, by example, how to make friends with horses, how to interact with these wonderful creatures, and how to respect a number of safety measures around horses (for example, never to stand behind them). So, before putting a child in the saddle, give them 3 essential ingredients for a happy experience: some preparation time, personal example (of courage) and, of course, patience. We add: gentle, specially trained riding horses, well-trained instructors and protective equipment.
A rider's muscle tonus is much better than the one of a sedentary person because, in this sport, absolutely all muscle groups are involved in the effort, just as in swimming, but at a more intense level. In addition, riding and being in nature stimulates the secretion of serotonin, the happiness hormone, which is not the case for a brain "anaesthetized" in front of TV, electronic games or tablets.
Other benefits of this sport? By coordinating your movements, you'll acquire admirable physical dexterity and improve your muscle tonus. Your body posture will also be significantly improved. Breathing is also improved, and after a series of exercises the positive effects will be felt in the heart and lungs. Here's a tip: an hour of horse riding burns as many calories as 30 minutes of cardio or cycling.
Before setting off for your first riding lesson, we recommend choosing a comfortable outfit with trousers that are as close to the leg as possible, made of a natural material (cotton). If it's the cold season, choose a short, mid-length jacket. When riding, avoid loose clothing that flaps in the wind, as it distracts the horse and agitates it.
To start, a suitable footwear for riding would be a pair of sneakers, boots or short boots (excluding ballet flats, sandals or heels). Later, those who stick to the hobby can buy special riding boots (there are also riding boots for children).
All riding lessons are supervised by an instructor. Therefore, appointments are made at least one day in advance to allow instructors to organize their riding sessions and plan suitable horses.
The decision to choose a horse rests with the instructor, for the simple reason that he/she is in a position to make a responsible, fully informed choice.